If you have any questions regarding grades or participate, please call the teacher first! He / she is the first contact relative to that in the Gradebook.
Pinnacle Internet Viewer allows parents to view classes, missing assignments, discipline reports and attendance of their child. Keep in mind that, although we hope that accurate at all times, it simply means to be a tool for communication, rather than absolute “etched in stone” grade or attendance report, things change daily.
If you are summoned to justify the absence, it may not appear on the Pinnacle Viewer for up to 3 days after the absence. Please be patient and check before becoming a concern. Some “Students” codes are considered “no” – FT (field trip) and SO (Signed Out). Please do not worry, these codes – Pinnacle system only for all the lack of attendance codes. Be sure that the student did not actually “no” if you can not see without a good reason (AU) or justify (A) There is no code number with the date and time of day.
To gain access to the information you need:
Student ID is also known as the student number (this number is on schedule for a student starts with 06) is not a social security number of students – Please check the schedule for your child to learn the correct Student ID number.
Pin Code is the date of birth of the student – it will put the year, month, day (4 digits for the year two digits for month two digits of the day – with no spaces, slashes, dashes or commas – YYYYMMDD) – for example, if the student’s birthday on March 5 1982, it will be entered as 19820305.
Make sure you choose the Plantation High School from the dropdown menu.
How to access information, you may notice a few things: 1. A student not identified by name on the screen or reports (this is for privacy protection) 2. You can access various reports, including missing assignments, class grades and discipline reports.
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