He did not know that a writer of science would come along 80 years later and prove that the kiss is so much more than just a kiss.

What do you know?
This is the traditional Eskimo kiss does actually involve rubbing noses, as is believed, but rather a kind of “nuzzle-sniff?
Psychologists report that most of us can remember up to 90% of the details of our first kiss?
That’s what makes a great kiss is not lust, but trust and honesty? Who knew?
Only two of the three people tilt their head to the right when they go to a kiss?
“If there is one message to make you leave this book, I hope this will be the following: Do not give up on romance,” writes Kirshenbaum. “A kiss can be one of the most extraordinary shared between two people and understand the science behind it can help to improve all the time.”
Kirshenbaum book covers everything from possible diseases associated with kissing, kissing in the Song of Songs “. Let him kiss me with the kisses of her mouth, for thy love is better than wine “Or like” Mae West”résume: “A kiss is the signature of a man. ”
If you’re at all interested in how your body (and lips) works, this book is an interesting romp through the chemistry of it all. Everything is there, with a 21-page bibliography.
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