Kindle Accessories
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Education Nation & Ideological Blindness
As some of you know, I have been writing about school improvement and the political, corporate and ideological forces that have been attempting to claim “school reform” as their own invention for more than a decade for my blog, District Administration Magazine, The Huffington Post and GOOD Magazine (perhaps my most cogent discussion of the “School Wars” and the desire to surrender the public treasure of public education to private hands.)
You may also beware of my serious misgivings about what I view as NBC News’ unprecedented attack on public education in the guise of Education Nation. I so annoyed NBC News earlier this week that they had me blocked from posting on Facebook for a time. Since my social media sentence was commuted, I continue to try and correct the record on Education Nation‘s Facebook page and via Twitter.
My greatest concern about Education Nation is the one-sided depiction of both the “crisis” in public education and the “solution” to said crisis. Despite NBC News’ cries that 300 people are participating in their televised panels and therefore diversity is automatically achieved, citizens would be well-advised to heed the advice of Watergate’s “Deep Throat,” and follow the money.
Merely adding Al Sharpton or NBC and Oprah’s resident education expert, R&B singer John Legend, to a discussion does not ensure that multiple perspectives will be heard or that expertise is bestowed upon unqualified folks with access to the media. Colin Powell might be an expert on creating “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” or on starting a war in Iraq, but does not qualify him as a leading voice on school reform.
Simply stated, Education Nation does not represent the well-informed, research-based expertise of many successful urban school reformers and education experts including obvious choices, MacArthur Genius Deborah Meier; best-selling author, Alfie Kohn; outspoken critic of the corporate takeover of public education, Susan Ohanian; tireless advocate for poor children, Jonathan Kozol or serial urban school reformer, Dennis Littky.
Many brave and vocal educators, such as Carolyn Foote, have held NBC News’ feet to the fire and demanded to know why teacher voices were not being adequately represented in the Education Nation programming. Carolyn and others have rightfully pointed out that the participating teachers are unlikely to receive proper billing or sufficient air-time. NBC News responded by indicating that “some of Education Nation’s best friends are teachers.”
However, we make a huge mistake if we accept NBC’s claims of teacher involvement by counting heads or are persuaded by the impressive biographies of the teachers chosen to participate without exploring why such invitations were extended to those particular teachers. In this case, a few clicks of the mouse allows one to follow the money and follow the ideological blindness.
In closing, it’s worth exploring the sponsors of Education Nation. The following foundations and corporations have their fingerprints on many of the most regressive educational practices in the United States today.
You may also beware of my serious misgivings about what I view as NBC News’ unprecedented attack on public education in the guise of Education Nation. I so annoyed NBC News earlier this week that they had me blocked from posting on Facebook for a time. Since my social media sentence was commuted, I continue to try and correct the record on Education Nation‘s Facebook page and via Twitter.
My greatest concern about Education Nation is the one-sided depiction of both the “crisis” in public education and the “solution” to said crisis. Despite NBC News’ cries that 300 people are participating in their televised panels and therefore diversity is automatically achieved, citizens would be well-advised to heed the advice of Watergate’s “Deep Throat,” and follow the money.
Merely adding Al Sharpton or NBC and Oprah’s resident education expert, R&B singer John Legend, to a discussion does not ensure that multiple perspectives will be heard or that expertise is bestowed upon unqualified folks with access to the media. Colin Powell might be an expert on creating “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” or on starting a war in Iraq, but does not qualify him as a leading voice on school reform.
Simply stated, Education Nation does not represent the well-informed, research-based expertise of many successful urban school reformers and education experts including obvious choices, MacArthur Genius Deborah Meier; best-selling author, Alfie Kohn; outspoken critic of the corporate takeover of public education, Susan Ohanian; tireless advocate for poor children, Jonathan Kozol or serial urban school reformer, Dennis Littky.
Many brave and vocal educators, such as Carolyn Foote, have held NBC News’ feet to the fire and demanded to know why teacher voices were not being adequately represented in the Education Nation programming. Carolyn and others have rightfully pointed out that the participating teachers are unlikely to receive proper billing or sufficient air-time. NBC News responded by indicating that “some of Education Nation’s best friends are teachers.”
However, we make a huge mistake if we accept NBC’s claims of teacher involvement by counting heads or are persuaded by the impressive biographies of the teachers chosen to participate without exploring why such invitations were extended to those particular teachers. In this case, a few clicks of the mouse allows one to follow the money and follow the ideological blindness.
I do not in any way mean to denigrate the teachers being showcased by NBC News. I have no reason to believe that they are anything but hard-working, dedicated and excellent educators. I merely wish to make the case that they were chosen by NBC to advance a particular narrative.
That narrative is based on the following myths:- Public education is destroying America
- There is a sudden emergency of bad teachers sweeping the land
- Schools should be run more like businesses (Education Nation’s patron Eli Broad believes this, but should we listen to a man who served on the board of AIG?)
- Charter schools, merit pay, standardized testing and mayoral control are the magic beans that will save children from wretched teachers
- When we fire all of the zillions of bad teachers a whole new crop of fantastic ones will grow in a Washington D.C. cornfield
- The best and brightest will eagerly become teachers when we remove all teacher autonomy and reduce teaching to test prep and script reading
- Unqualified is the new qualified as exemplified by Teach for America’s zeal to create unqualified missionaries to replace teachers
- Getting tougher is the same as reform
- Michelle Rhee was victimized by enemies of school reform (teachers) when voters rejected her tactics and bankrupt educational vision (thanks Nora O’Donnell)
- Billionaires are smart!
- Racism and intergenerational poverty have nothing to do with academic achievement
- The purpose of education is job readiness
- Teacher layoffs, budget cuts and union busting are just three ways of saying “We should pay teachers more, but them accountable.”
- Poor children need educational experiences much different from those afforded the children of the powerful
- We should all run out to the cineplex and see Waiting for Superman!
Kaycee Eckhardt had been teaching for four years in Japan when Hurricane Katrina hit her native Louisiana on her 25th birthday. Inspired to return home and teach in New Orleans, she took a job as a 9th grade reading teacher at New Orleans Charter Science and Math Academy. Her school serves some of the areas hit worst by Hurricane Katrina and often struggles to provide hot food, running water, and electricity. Despite that, in the past two years, Kaycee’s students have averaged a phenomenal three years of growth each year. In addition, Kaycee’s students have the highest math and science scores of any school in New Orleans. In 2009, she was awarded the Louisiana Charter School Association Teacher of the Year award.Charter school teacher who may not hold a teaching credential and who is participating in TeachNola, a spinoff of Teach-for-America and the New Teacher Project that “streamlines” the process of learning to become a qualified educator. This is the same path Michelle Rhee took in her meteoric rise and fall as D.C. Schools Chancellor.
Sarah Zuckerman teaches art in Indianapolis, Indiana. As an art teacher she is deeply committed to making sure students develop core literacy skills and integrates literacy into all her art lessons. As a result her students have shown consistent academic growth in all their tested subjects. Sarah has taught abroad in China and Mexico and is a practicing artist who has shown her work nationally and internationally. Sarah received the Sontag Prize for Urban Education in 2010 and was a 2009 Teach Plus Fellow.Wealthier children enjoy art education for aesthetic, cultural and creative reasons, not to raise test scores. The Sontag Prize is funded by Boston Public Schools and the Lynch Foundation, an advocate of Catholic Schools. It is unclear whether Ms. Zuckerman is a “trained” educator.
Shakera Walker is an award winning kindergarten teacher and a passionate advocate for the education reform movement and early childhood education. With over 8 years of teaching experience, Shakera continues to have a dramatic impact on student achievement. As a result of her incredible leadership, Shakera was awarded The Sontag Prize in Urban Education (2010).The Sontag Prize is funded by Boston Public Schools and the Lynch Foundation, an advocate of Catholic Schools.
Joseph Almeida teaches 6th grade math at KIPP Infinity in New York City. He has created a YouTube channel with tailored lessons recorded for his students so that they can learn both inside and outside of the classroom. Joseph was awarded the Sue Lehman Award for Teaching excellence by Teach for America and was featured in the recently released book “Teaching as Leadership: The Highly Effective Teacher’s Guide in Closing the Achievement Gap,” a book that has been hailed for both its policy and pedagogical influence.KIPP and Teach for America affiliations. Works in a charter school. Not sure if he is a credentialed teacher.
David Wu, who spent part of his life in Taiwan, is a high school Chemistry teacher at Dorsey High School in Los Angeles. Originally headed to medical school, he decided to join Teach for America for two years and has now stayed four. His students, who often start far below the district and statewide averages for Chemistry, have beaten both the district average and state average the last two years on the California Standards Test. He is also the first teacher at Dorsey High School to see one of his students score a perfect score on the CST–and he’s had two students do it in the last two years.Yet another Teach for America teacher. Works in a charter school. Not sure if he is a credentialed teacher. More emphasis on meaningless standardized test scores.
Kelly Burnette is a high school Biology and Physical Science teacher from Nassau, Florida. Her school district, which has quickly transformed from a rural community to a bustling suburb, has one brand-new state-of-the-art high school and another one built in 1912. Kelly just recently transferred from the new school in the suburbs to the older school in an under served area in an attempt to help that school turn around. At her previous school, Kelly helped lead teachers at a school that had been given a “D” grade in 2007-2008 to an ”A” rating in 2008-2009. For her work, she was chosen as a finalist for Florida’s Teacher of the Year award.Ms. Burnette might be an actual public school educator! Hooray! (I will assume that all of the school grade nonsense is beyond her control.)
Abigail Garland teaches 12th grade history at IDEA College Prep, a charter school in Donna, Texas, at which 80% of its students qualify for free or reduced lunch. She previously taught at Jaurez-Lincoln High School in La Joya, Texas. For the past three years, not a single student of Abigail’s has failed his or her state assessment, and 80% scored a 90% or higher on the 11th grade Social Studies exam. In 2008-2009 she was awarded the Humanities Texas award as an outstanding teacher. Since becoming Department Head the school’s state assessment passing rate has not fallen below 99% and commended scores (scores of 90% or higher) have risen from 50% to 73%. Abigail is passionate about higher education, and her classroom goals are derived from her hope that every student will have the ability to succeed in college.Charter school teacher. More obsession with test scores.
Doris Milano is an elementary school teacher in Palm Beach County, Florida. During her 16-year tenure as an educator in her community, Doris has inspired and challenged her students to soar beyond mediocrity. For three consecutive years, Doris students have made more than a year and a half of growth in a year’s time in all subject areas. Doris has won numerous awards for her teaching practice, including the EXCEL Award from the Foundation for Excellence in Education.The implication that other teachers strive for mediocrity is offensive. The award she has received is from Jeb Bush’s non-profit dedicated to the failed or unconstitutional strategies of private school vouchers, charter schools, merit pay and standardized testing.
Fatima Rich teaches 4th and 5th grade at Greenbrier Elementary in Indianapolis, IN. Although 77% of the students at Greenbrier qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch, she has seen phenomenal growth in her student’s test scores, with more than 30% increase in the number of students who scored proficient or advanced in one year and her students are now beating the state average on the 5th grade math assessment.Another example of reducing education to test preparation and standardized test scores.
Erin Dukeshire has taught middle school science in Miami and Boston and currently took a job as the science teacher at a turnaround school called Orchard Gardens because she wanted to transform a Boston school where only 3% of the students are proficient in math and none were proficient in science. At her previous school Erin lifted her students’ science scores from 15% below the state average to well above the average.Might be a great teacher, but “turnaround schools” are under-performing schools that can circumvent teacher union contracts.
Pamela Heuer is a 7th and 8th Grade Reading teacher in Indianapolis Public Schools. An alumna of Teach For America, Heuer’s students averaged 1.9 years of growth in one semester during the 2008-2009 school year, and her students were recognized as the fastest growing students in the entire Indianapolis school district. For spearheading a peer reading program with a neighboring elementary school, Heuer received the Eli Lilly New Teacher Challenge Award.Teach for America affiliation and advocate.
Claudia Aguirre is the principal at MS 247 Dual Language Middle School in Manhattan. That school, which teaches about half of its classes in each language, has quickly moved up the ranks of New York City’s middle schools because of Claudia’s efforts to impose strict program of classes and work, add academic help sessions and social activities after regular school hours. MS 247 now tests on par with the average middle school in the state across the board, a marked improvement from the scores before Claudia took over.An actual school principal. Nothing particular jumps out from her bio except for the emphasis on “strict” and after school hours which indicate that this might be a school unlike those parents of means might embrace for their children.
Michelle Henry teachers 3rd-5th Grade Mathematics at Witter Elementary in Florida. Although a full 93 percent of Witter’s students qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch, the school had an 82 percent AYP rating in 2009. In addition, the Foundation for Excellence in Education recently presented Henry an award for having some of the greatest math gains of any teacher in the state of Florida. Henry is the recipient of the Mary Fraiser National Scholar of Gifted Education Award is rated an “Outstanding Teacher” under MAP and the Teacher Incentive Fund.Another recipient of an award from Jeb Bush’s foundation and citation of the No Child Left Behind Annual Yearly Progress rating
Pam Williams, the current Georgia Teacher of the Year, is a high school social studies and economics teacher from rural Appling County in southern Georgia. A strong advocate for the Common Core State Standards, Pam is spending part of this year touring the state to talk to teachers and advocate for them at the state level. She has previously taught in a self-contained 6th grade classroom, middle school Spanish, music, language arts, and social studies before moving to the high school level. In the last two years, she has taken over the economics program at Appling County High School and saw a 33% increase in the number of students passing the statewide End of Year Test after she redesigned the curriculum.”Another emphasis on test-prep and an embrace of “Common Core Standards,” a fancy euphemism for “standardized national curriculum.”
In closing, it’s worth exploring the sponsors of Education Nation. The following foundations and corporations have their fingerprints on many of the most regressive educational practices in the United States today.
- The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are major sponsors of Waiting for Superman directly and through their spin-off organization, Get Schooled. They are also a sponsor of Education Nation. Gates also appears on Oprah and Education Nation as an education expert. The Gates Foundation’s influence on public education is enormous from its advocacy of KIPP Schools for other people’s children to its staffing of the US Department of Education.
- The Broad Foundation is a sponsor of Waiting for Superman and of Education Nation, plus a host of the other organizations being represented during Education Nation.
- The Walton Family Foundation (Wal-Mart) is a sponsor of Waiting for Superman and advocate for school vouchers (privatization).
- The University of Phoenix is a sponsor of Education Nation despite admitting to fraud in its educational recruiting practices and its self-service advocacy of for-profit education.
- Microsoft is another sponsor of Education Nation. I believe that they might have a connection to The Gates Foundation. Some readers might find Microsoft’s record on labor practices disturbing and be unsurprised by its longstanding antipathy towards labor unions. Oh yeah, don’t forget to check out how Microsoft created an educational disaster in the Philadelphia public schools.
- Oprah shouts, “You Get a School District!”
- Oprah – Wrong On Education for Many Years
- First We Kill the Teacher Unions! (Cory Booker & Obama’s war on teachers)
- Nostradamus and Arne Duncan
- The US Government now a Subsidiary of Eli Broad (public treasure surrendered to billionaires)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Similac Formula Recall 2010 – Similac Recall Lot NUMBERS
Similac Formula Recall 2010 – Similac Recall Lot NUMBERS
Similac Formula Recall 2010 – Similac Recall Lot NUMBERS – Earlier today Abbott Laboratories announced that they were recalling 5 million cans of certain Similac-brand powdered infant formula with the lot numbers 87932T20, 88117T26, 78208T2,88136T20,91433t20,800-986-8850,800-545-5216,800-515-7677,800-986-8800,847-937-6100,(847) 935-8865,(847)935-3456,66128RB6,61251 RB6,61347RB,84314 RB,85454 T2,86580 T20,88137T20 and 90372T20.Tom Joyner Morning Show

The appearance on the show Long Joyner will precede his planned press conference last week as well. His spokesman, Arts Frankin, said Pastor “categorically and emphatically denies these allegations.”
“There were a lot of chatter from yesterday, but these complaints have been filed, surely deserves attention,” said Frankin. “There were a lot of chatter from yesterday, but these complaints have been filed, of course, is without merit.”
As previously reported, one of the men, Anthony Flagg, 21, claims in his suit that Long took his overnight trip to a half-dozen American cities in recent years.
“Yes dorm and was engaged in intimate sexual contact with plaintiff Flagg including kissing, massage, masturbation plaintiff Flagg defendant Long and oral sexual contact,” says the suit.
Another man, Maurice Murray Robinson, 20, claims Long took him to Auckland, New Zealand, in October 2008 for 19 years and engaged in oral sex with him, the suit says Robinson.
“After touring New Zealand, the defendant Long regularly engaged in sexual touching and other sexual acts with plaintiff Robinson, Robinson suit alleges.
Audio, as well as recording an interview will be available at ( immediately after the debate.
Tom Joyner Morning Show, which airs in more than 100 markets and reaches an audience of more than 8 million people, continues his role in that black America is informed, involved and empowered by always following through with the stories that his listeners want to hear.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Thursday Night Football 2010

New Orleans will be party central once more, as the host Saints NFL appetizer ceremony and to lift their first Super Bowl banner. Then they get another shot at the Vikings, who were beaten in the title fight game NFC. If they beat them again, the Saints hope
Gospel Star Marvin Sapp’s Wife Malinda Dies by Colon Cancer
It’s with our deepest compassion that we update you that Pastor Marvin Sapp’s wife MaLinda Sapp has die on today after fighting colon cancer.
It was confirmed on the Lonnie Williams show today. An official press release has not been issued yet but more information will be coming on the Yolanda Adams Morning show tomorrow morning!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Search: now faster than the speed of type
Search as you type. It’s a simple and straightforward idea—people can get results as they type their queries. Imagining the future of search, the idea of being able to search for partial queries or provide some interactive feedback while searching has come up more than a few times. Along the way, we’ve even built quite a few demos (notably, Amit Patel in 1999 and Nikhil Bhatla in 2003). Our search-as-you-type demos were thought-provoking—fun, fast and interactive—but fundamentally flawed. Why? Because you don’t really want search-as-you-type (no one wants search results for [bike h] in the process of searching for [bike helmets]). You really want search-before-you-type—that is, you want results for the most likely search given what you have already typed.
As you can imagine, searching even before someone types isn’t easy—which is why we are so excited today to be unveiling Google Instant. Google Instant is search-before-you-type. Instant takes what you have typed already, predicts the most likely completion and streams results in real-time for those predictions—yielding a smarter and faster search that is interactive, predictive and powerful.
Here are a few of the core features in Google Instant:
As you can imagine, searching even before someone types isn’t easy—which is why we are so excited today to be unveiling Google Instant. Google Instant is search-before-you-type. Instant takes what you have typed already, predicts the most likely completion and streams results in real-time for those predictions—yielding a smarter and faster search that is interactive, predictive and powerful.
Here are a few of the core features in Google Instant:
- Dynamic Results - Google dynamically displays relevant search results as you type so you can quickly interact and click through to the web content you need.
- Predictions - One of the key technologies in Google Instant is that we predict the rest of your query (in light gray text) before you finish typing. See what you need? Stop typing, look down and find what you’re looking for.
- Scroll to search - Scroll through predictions and see results instantly for each as you arrow down.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
NCAA Football: USC, on probation, looks to wipe away Reggie Bush scandal with …

Ever since June, it’s as if new president Max Nikias has called Ty Pennington into Heritage Hall for an “Extreme Makeover College Edition.” He has had any memories of former All-American running back Reggie Bush removed, including the replica of his 2005 Heisman Trophy from the athletic building in the center of this walled campus.
Bush was the central figure in a four-year investigation by the NCAA Committee on Infractions, which determined both the star running back and his family had taken money and illegal gifts from two sports agents during his junior and senior seasons. The NCAA wound up putting USC on four years’ probation, banning the Trojans from bowl games the next two years, docking them 30 scholarships over the next three years and allowing current players and recruits to transfer without penalty.
The punishment could have the same effect on USC as SMU felt in the ’80s and Miami in the mid-’90s, making the Trojans, who have won 11 national championships and sent 437 players to the NFL draft, vulnerable again to adversaries from the Pac-10.
What remains to be seen is whether new coach Lane Kiffin, a 35-year-old Pete Carroll disciple who was offensive coordinator at the time of the infractions, will be able to keep the ship afloat during this “Grapes of Wrath” period.
Kiffin, whose bold nature has sometimes been perceived as arrogance, was not afraid to antagonize his former employer with the Raiders, Al Davis, a renegade in his own right, or his opponents in the SEC while at Tennessee. He has never lacked confidence, although he hasn’t been able to balance the books on the field. He was just 5-15 in one-plus years with the Raiders and 7-6 in his only year at Tennessee with a 23-point loss to Virginia Tech in the Chick-Fil-A Bowl.
“This is the exact job I signed up for,” said Kiffin. “I didn’t come out here for bowl games. I didn’t come for scholarships. I came here because it’s the best job in America. And we get to live right here, too.”
It sounds attractive, but so did buying a home in Southern California five years ago.
Kiffin will have the benefit of an excellent staff, including his father, Monte, who has long been regarded as one of the best defensive coaching minds in the NFL and Ed Orgeron, who is one of the most effective recruiters in the country.
But the Trojans are down to 71 scholarship players, 14 below NCAA standards for Bowl Subdivision teams. Six players and two recruits including 6-8, 330-pound offensive tackle Seantrel Henderson, who went to Miami – already have left. And Kiffin had to plead with fifth-year senior wide receiver Brandon Carswell, who was on the verge of leaving for Cincinnati, to stick around and complete his final five courses and graduate. The Trojans are thin on the offensive line after guard Butch Lewis injured a hip in practice. The reduced numbers have forced Kiffin to run lighter-than-usual practices to keep his depth intact.
College Football Rankings Week 1, AP, Coaches, & BCS Top 25

1 - Alabama (54) 1-0
2 - Ohio State (3) 1-0
3 - Boise State (1) 1-0
4 - Florida 1-0
5 - Texas (1) 1-0
6 - TCU 1-0
7 - Oklahoma (1) 1-0
8 - Nebraska 1-0
9 - Iowa 1-0< 10 Virginia Tech 0-1
11- Oregon 1-0
12- Wisconsin 1-0
13- Miami (FL) 1-0
14- USC 1-0
15- Pittsburgh 0-1
16- Georgia Tech 1-0
17- Arkansas 1-0
18- North Carolina 0-1
19- Penn State 1-0
20- Florida State 1-0
21- LSU 1-0
22- Auburn 1-0
23- Georgia 1-0
24- Oregon State 0-1
25- West Virginia 1-0
Coaches Top 25 Rankings
Monday, September 6, 2010
Demi Moore Bush Pic

One of the premier paid Hollywood actresses, Demi Moore is posing an “old-fashioned sex-symbol” in a “hot” and very much attractive posture. Vow! Gone are the days when ladies were of the judgment that this is what men want. Now they are not only done away with the habit but also have also learnt many more ways to do the needful.
The picture is too much enlightening already and civility Daniel Tosh of Comedy Central’s Tosh.0, the latest search buzz started which had a rather elementary meaning and it implicated the viewers to anxiously give over their efforts for the right answer.Sunday, September 5, 2010
A Grease Remake Starring Miley Cyrus as Sandra Dee? Say It Ain’t So!
A remake of Grease starring Justin Bieber as Danny Zuko and Miley Cyrus as Sandra Dee? Sounds like a movie made in Disney Channel heaven! The pairing is sure to cause young girls to swoon and their parents to groan.
The rumors of a potential remake started last week when BiA remake of Grease starring Justin Bieber as Danny Zuko and Miley Cyrus as Sandra Dee? Sounds like a movie made in Disney Channel heaven! The pairing is sure to cause young girls to swoon and their parents to groan.
The rumors of a potential remake started last week when Bieber was quoted as saying, “It would be a lot of fun. It’s been talked about a lot over the years but it would be awesome to play Danny. If I had to pick my perfect Sandy I would go for Miley Cyrus without hesitation. She can sing, dance and act.”
But guess what….
Bieber completely denies the quote and says he has no interest in teaming up with Cyrus to remake the iconic film.
Instead of trying to hit the mainstream (non pre-teen) audience, Bieber is focusing on his tween market and heading to the big screen in Bieber 3D, a biopic of his life which is scheduled to premiere in February.
Do you think they should remake Grease?
Jerry Lewis Telethon 2010 MDA: David Archuleta & Enrique Iglesias

The telethon usually features a number of big names, and this year is no different. Some of the more known celebrities who will be taking part in the MDA Telethon this year include David Archuleta, Enrique Iglesias, and the entire cast of “Glee” among others. The huge names help to convince people to donate to the noble cause, and really assist Jerry Lewis in raising money during the telethon.
Young stars like David Archuleta will help to persuade the younger generations to donate money toward the cause, while older individuals like Barry Manilow will help to persuade the older generations. Also on hand will be OneRepublic, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Ray Romano. The telethon will start tonight at 9 PM Eastern time, 6 PM Pacific. The channels that are hosting the telethon vary based on location, so it is best to check with your cable provider if you would like to tune in. The telethon will continue to run for a full day through Monday afternoon.
Machete: Race War Propaganda Under the Cover of a Mexploitation Film – Prison
Comment from Alex Jones: Robert Rodriguez is a liar – when a script for Machete was leaked back in May, I pointed out that the film contained numerous elements that were highly offensive and could easily kick-start a race war. Rodriguez claimed that these scenes had been edited or removed for the final version. They were not – every part of the original script remains in the film almost word for word.
When a Cinco De Mayo political trailer for the movie was released in reaction to the Arizona immigration situation, Rodriguez again claimed that this was satire and not representative of the film. In fact, the movie contains everything that appeared in this trailer and a lot more (including Jessica Alba’s provocative “the border crossed us” rallying cry).
This movie is sickening. Myself and six members of the Infowars team all left the theater feeling physically ill. The film opens with Texans butchering pregnant illegal aliens and the propaganda only gets more virulent, including references to serial killer Charles Manson’s Helter Skelter vision of race war, sterotyping the Minutemen as murderers of illegal aliens, when in reality they have never harmed anyone, showing Texans butchering a priest, and talk of “resettling America” in the context of the extremist reconquista racial movement.
This movie is not a joke. It is race war propaganda hastily disguised behind a stylized, bloodthirsty black comedy.
If a white person had directed a movie about hispanics being sub-human devils who want to kill everybody there would have been an uproar, but Rodriguez can demonize an entire race of people, along with Texans in general, in a similar vein and the establishment media treats it all as a cutsie joke. This is disgusting.
Robert Rodriguez’s Machete lives up to its trailer released earlier this year. “This is Machete with a special Cinco de Mayo message … to Arizona,” the star of the grindhouse movie, played by Danny Trejo, growls at the start of the trailer. He then engages in bloody mayhem and mass murder.
On Friday night, Alex Jones took his crew to see Machete at a theater here in Austin, Texas. The movie lived up to and even exceeded expectations.
Critics have mostly panned the movie as trashy, campy, and rife with senseless and gratuitous violence. Daniel B. Wood, writing for the Christian Science Monitor, says the film has a sub-theme — immigration and “reverse racism.” Wood quotes Barbara O’Connor, director of the Institute for the Study of Politics and Media at California State University, who warns that some people may have “negative reactions” after watching the film. “Yes, this movie is goofily violent, but it’s also dealing with issues that are largely visceral,” she tells Wood. “I don’t know that people in the middle of the debate will view it as satire.”
Machete is not satire. It is propaganda under the cover of an exploitation film. It is designed to stir up “visceral” reactions to the very serious issue of illegal immigration. It strives to demonize Americans outraged over an open border and the influx of millions of illegal aliens every year.
Machete portrays members of the Minuteman Project — an activist organization founded in 2005 by James Gilchrist — as racist thugs and serial murderers. The Minutemen are not directly named. Instead, the border patrol group calls itself the “Vigilantes,” but the comparison in unavoidable.
A few minutes into the film, the border Vigilantes — including a corrupt Texas politician played by Robert De Niro — murder a pregnant illegal woman as she crosses the border. The scene is an example of classic war propaganda.
“A handy rule for arousing hate,” noted political scientist and communications expert Harold Lasswell, “is, if at first they do not enrage, use an atrocity. It has been employed with unvarying success in every conflict known to man.”
The murder of a defenseless pregnant woman in the film is designed to elicit a visceral and emotional response on the part of the audience. It far surpasses the “ravishing” of maidens by evil Huns portrayed in pro-war posters during the First World War. It ranks right up there with photos published in newspapers prior to the Second World War showing sadistic Japanese soldiers skewering Chinese babies with bayonets. Such images were instrumental in convincing the American people they should support entry into the war.
Rodriguez’s message is clear — if you oppose illegal immigration, support the activism of the Minutemen, and agree that states should adopt laws like Arizona in response to illegal immigration, you also support shooting pregnant Mexican women.

Polls reveal that most Americans by large margins support the Arizona law. “A solid majority of Americans back Arizona’s tough crackdown on illegal immigrants,” Reuters reported in May. Eight in 10 Americans are concerned that illegal immigrants burden schools, hospitals and other government services, and 77% worry that they drive down wages, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup poll, also conducted in May.
Despite its obvious cliches and racial stereotypes, a climatic scene near the end of the movie calls for a bloody revolution against the Vigilantes, aka the Minutemen and their supporters, or for that matter Americans who want to deal with illegal immigration in a lawful manner. During the scene, we see a large number of Mexican laborers using the implements of their trade to attack the Vigilantes.
The scene has an ominous parallel — in April, the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC released a video showing an illegal alien supporter in Arizona claiming that shovels and axes will be used against Americans. “We will not stop! We will take up our shovels and pickaxes and we… will use them against you! Believe that!” screams an opponent of Arizona’s tough new bill addressing illegal immigration in the video.
Following charges that he was attempting to stir up a race war with the release of his “Cinco de Mayo” trailer, director Rodriguez promised to tone down incendiary aspects of his film. After Alex Jones received the Machete script and pointed out the race war elements, Rodriguez said his critics have jumped to conclusions.
“They may have read a script that wasn’t finished and jumped to conclusions about its content and tone,” he told Ain’t It Cool. “Any filmmaker will tell you, there are three movies that you make: the one you write, the one you shoot and the one you edit.”
The theatrical version of Machete is true to the leaked script, with one notable exception at the end of the film.
“I don’t really believe in protests, rallies or marches,” Rodriguez told Ain’t It Cool, and then encouraged supporters of illegal immigration to “register and vote because what we need is serious, comprehensive immigration reform,” in other words voter should force the government to legalize tens of millions of illegal immigrants. “You can feel people’s frustration [over Arizona] and yet it’s difficult for them to have a clear opinion on the matter because there’s such a mess of misinformation.”
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Robert Rodriguez’s Machete is an obnoxious exercise in misinformation. It calls for a violent response to the political activism of Americans — including Hispanic Americans — opposed to wide open and lawless borders and the assertion by many Mexicans that the American Southwest was stolen from them by the United States.
Machete is primarily about illegal immigration — specifically framed by the “Cinco de Mayo” trailer — and is Rodriguez’s answer to the acrimonious debate over Arizona’s effort to stem the tide of illegal immigrants bankrupting the state.
Rodriguez has cynically shrouded his message — violence in response to border “vigilantes” is not only acceptable, but preferable — under the cover of a Mexploitation film. It remains to be seen if the film, now showing in theaters around the country, will result in violence.
When a Cinco De Mayo political trailer for the movie was released in reaction to the Arizona immigration situation, Rodriguez again claimed that this was satire and not representative of the film. In fact, the movie contains everything that appeared in this trailer and a lot more (including Jessica Alba’s provocative “the border crossed us” rallying cry).
This movie is sickening. Myself and six members of the Infowars team all left the theater feeling physically ill. The film opens with Texans butchering pregnant illegal aliens and the propaganda only gets more virulent, including references to serial killer Charles Manson’s Helter Skelter vision of race war, sterotyping the Minutemen as murderers of illegal aliens, when in reality they have never harmed anyone, showing Texans butchering a priest, and talk of “resettling America” in the context of the extremist reconquista racial movement.
This movie is not a joke. It is race war propaganda hastily disguised behind a stylized, bloodthirsty black comedy.
If a white person had directed a movie about hispanics being sub-human devils who want to kill everybody there would have been an uproar, but Rodriguez can demonize an entire race of people, along with Texans in general, in a similar vein and the establishment media treats it all as a cutsie joke. This is disgusting.
Robert Rodriguez’s Machete lives up to its trailer released earlier this year. “This is Machete with a special Cinco de Mayo message … to Arizona,” the star of the grindhouse movie, played by Danny Trejo, growls at the start of the trailer. He then engages in bloody mayhem and mass murder.
On Friday night, Alex Jones took his crew to see Machete at a theater here in Austin, Texas. The movie lived up to and even exceeded expectations.
Critics have mostly panned the movie as trashy, campy, and rife with senseless and gratuitous violence. Daniel B. Wood, writing for the Christian Science Monitor, says the film has a sub-theme — immigration and “reverse racism.” Wood quotes Barbara O’Connor, director of the Institute for the Study of Politics and Media at California State University, who warns that some people may have “negative reactions” after watching the film. “Yes, this movie is goofily violent, but it’s also dealing with issues that are largely visceral,” she tells Wood. “I don’t know that people in the middle of the debate will view it as satire.”
Machete is not satire. It is propaganda under the cover of an exploitation film. It is designed to stir up “visceral” reactions to the very serious issue of illegal immigration. It strives to demonize Americans outraged over an open border and the influx of millions of illegal aliens every year.
Machete portrays members of the Minuteman Project — an activist organization founded in 2005 by James Gilchrist — as racist thugs and serial murderers. The Minutemen are not directly named. Instead, the border patrol group calls itself the “Vigilantes,” but the comparison in unavoidable.
A few minutes into the film, the border Vigilantes — including a corrupt Texas politician played by Robert De Niro — murder a pregnant illegal woman as she crosses the border. The scene is an example of classic war propaganda.
“A handy rule for arousing hate,” noted political scientist and communications expert Harold Lasswell, “is, if at first they do not enrage, use an atrocity. It has been employed with unvarying success in every conflict known to man.”
The murder of a defenseless pregnant woman in the film is designed to elicit a visceral and emotional response on the part of the audience. It far surpasses the “ravishing” of maidens by evil Huns portrayed in pro-war posters during the First World War. It ranks right up there with photos published in newspapers prior to the Second World War showing sadistic Japanese soldiers skewering Chinese babies with bayonets. Such images were instrumental in convincing the American people they should support entry into the war.
Rodriguez’s message is clear — if you oppose illegal immigration, support the activism of the Minutemen, and agree that states should adopt laws like Arizona in response to illegal immigration, you also support shooting pregnant Mexican women.
Polls reveal that most Americans by large margins support the Arizona law. “A solid majority of Americans back Arizona’s tough crackdown on illegal immigrants,” Reuters reported in May. Eight in 10 Americans are concerned that illegal immigrants burden schools, hospitals and other government services, and 77% worry that they drive down wages, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup poll, also conducted in May.
Despite its obvious cliches and racial stereotypes, a climatic scene near the end of the movie calls for a bloody revolution against the Vigilantes, aka the Minutemen and their supporters, or for that matter Americans who want to deal with illegal immigration in a lawful manner. During the scene, we see a large number of Mexican laborers using the implements of their trade to attack the Vigilantes.
The scene has an ominous parallel — in April, the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC released a video showing an illegal alien supporter in Arizona claiming that shovels and axes will be used against Americans. “We will not stop! We will take up our shovels and pickaxes and we… will use them against you! Believe that!” screams an opponent of Arizona’s tough new bill addressing illegal immigration in the video.
Following charges that he was attempting to stir up a race war with the release of his “Cinco de Mayo” trailer, director Rodriguez promised to tone down incendiary aspects of his film. After Alex Jones received the Machete script and pointed out the race war elements, Rodriguez said his critics have jumped to conclusions.
“They may have read a script that wasn’t finished and jumped to conclusions about its content and tone,” he told Ain’t It Cool. “Any filmmaker will tell you, there are three movies that you make: the one you write, the one you shoot and the one you edit.”
The theatrical version of Machete is true to the leaked script, with one notable exception at the end of the film.
“I don’t really believe in protests, rallies or marches,” Rodriguez told Ain’t It Cool, and then encouraged supporters of illegal immigration to “register and vote because what we need is serious, comprehensive immigration reform,” in other words voter should force the government to legalize tens of millions of illegal immigrants. “You can feel people’s frustration [over Arizona] and yet it’s difficult for them to have a clear opinion on the matter because there’s such a mess of misinformation.”
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Robert Rodriguez’s Machete is an obnoxious exercise in misinformation. It calls for a violent response to the political activism of Americans — including Hispanic Americans — opposed to wide open and lawless borders and the assertion by many Mexicans that the American Southwest was stolen from them by the United States.
Machete is primarily about illegal immigration — specifically framed by the “Cinco de Mayo” trailer — and is Rodriguez’s answer to the acrimonious debate over Arizona’s effort to stem the tide of illegal immigrants bankrupting the state.
Rodriguez has cynically shrouded his message — violence in response to border “vigilantes” is not only acceptable, but preferable — under the cover of a Mexploitation film. It remains to be seen if the film, now showing in theaters around the country, will result in violence.
Summer of 42
The hot summer action continues on Turner Classic Movies. Recently the movie summer of 42 was shown on the network. The movie is about a number of teenage boys and girls and a married woman. The story is basically about a young boy who does not know much about sex. He is very curious to know about all the adult stuff and he also wants to have a practical experience. He and his friends are found looking for sex and information on sex every now and then.
In the start of the movie summer of 42, three teenage boys are shown playing on the beach. The year shown is 1942. The boys see a soldier entering into a house with his bride in his arms. The bride is very lovely and the boys are just amazed by her beauty. One of the boys named Hermit who is the main character in the movie is seduced by the beauty of the lady and he is unable to forget her. The boys continue their daily routine of playing on the beach and as they get to have some female company they decide to have sex for the first time.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Oregon Ducks Football

Oregon Ducks Football, Locksley worked solid to reshape this team for 2010, bringing in a lot of talent and training bases of the offense player. Despite the talent, this will be a season of learning, and many freshmen on board, rise to the top may have to wait another season.
Question marks start at quarterback, where there are five options, none of which excite. The options are reduced as Brad Gruner and Tate Smith still have yet to overcome injuries spring. B.R. Holbrook has experience, but not a true starter. The other options are Tarean Stump Godfrey and Austin that fit the game plan, but they are freshmen. Wait Locksley to take a look and go with the hot hand.
UNM has a strong group of talented riders ready to catch the ball, regardless of passersby. The three main search engines return last season led by Demond Dennis, who led the team in yards with 427. James Wright is able to anchor a brute force attack, if it goes down the passing game falters. Kasey Carrier played five games to finish the season and showed good speed.
The Lobos also have two starters returning to the line with Byron Bell added perspective to the mix.
The first receiver Ty Kirk provides a veteran presence and Freshman All-American tight end Lucas Reed returns.
Three starters return to the defensive line led by Jonathan Rainey, who led the league in tackles for loss with 15.5 and a second team All-MWC selection. The linebacker Carmen Messina led the nation in tackles with 162. Illinois transfer Reggie Ellis brings stability and top recruit Calvin Smith brings a load of talent and promise. CB is set with four experienced players returning, including the holders of last year. Locksley will fight all for a job with one eye on next season.
Oregon Ducks had their own field problems outside, as QB Jeremiah Masoli transferred to Ole Miss’ after suspension. Despite the loss, this remains a potent offense and can leave Masoli hoping to have kept his head on straight. Nate Costa and Darron Thomas will helm the QB position to advance, and while there may be the star Masoli went to Oregon, which need not be.
A strong supporting cast around them, and minimizes the pressure that surrounds what is happening.

Three plays great return to the place of destination, directed by Jeff Maehl who scored six touchdowns on 53 receptions. Tuinei and D.J. Lavasier Davis is more than capable, while freshman Diante Jackson has the tools to challenge the three as the season progresses.
Notre Dame Football Schedule

Kelly began his career in Cincinnati, and now he waits for his turn to hit the field against the Irish. Kelly said that he will just focus on the game at hand. He did not hide the fact that it is in dreams; he just did not have time to think about it now. Notre Dame Football schedule may be one that makes or breaks Kelly in the long term
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
We change our life style with sports in all over the world
Sports, gives us hard working,will power,genetic changes in our life,fresh mind, stamina and disciple n.
With a movement we cover the life of sportsman we see that a player`s mind working different from others,to many views we discus. Before starting game player must worm up and fallow his coach instructions When the player start the game, in his mind his confidence level very high, He makes a target with experience & confidence. First the player must fallow rules of games, then player completes the job with hunger for success, he work hard till end, he care about his level of energy & stamina. During his play he thinks that which the competitor weak points then he take benefits and win. Aggressive player always win. Because they mold themselves according to the conditions but over confidence player not win all the time. our life is strangle with to many disses we must exercise daily I am Taekwondo player my game is very fast, in the ground I think to many time straggle, hard exercise, instructions of coach, techniques, counter attack, every time you must wining.Miami Dolphins In Depth
Good-bye Greg Camarillo, hello Patrick Turner
The Dolphins have traded wide receiver Greg Camarillo to the Minnesota Vikings for unspecified compensation according to multiple sources. The trade was first reported by The Herald's Jeff Darlington.
[Updated: The Dolphins get cornerback Benny Sapp from the Vikings in return. Sapp, a Fort Lauderdale native, is in his seventh NFL season. He started seven games for Minnesota last year. The move suggests Will Allen may not be ready for the start of the season. Allen, out the entire preseason following knee surgery, is now not a lock to be on the roster all of 2010.
The breakdown on Sapp from the good folks at "He's an aggressive, quick corner that plays the run pretty well but does struggle in coverage at times. Last season he was thrown at 57 times and allowed 40 completions, for a 10.7 average. He gave up 2 TDs and got his hands to 6 passes. Opposing QBs had a 103.5 QB rating when throwing at Sapp in '09.
Sapp's a capable nickel corner that plays inside, and will allow completions, but he tends to keep everything in front of him and will be active against the run.]
Camarillo was informed of the trade this morning. He obviously was not at practice today.
So, this is where we are:
Patrick Turner is looking like he is going to make the Dolphins.
He has been on the cusp of a roster spot as the team's No. 5 wide receiver. With Camarillo, previously considered a roster likelihood now gone, Turner moves up one notch. Turner was today taking second-team snaps with Davone Bess. (Brandon Marshall and Brian Hartline were taking first-team snaps in the base offense.)
And the fifth wide receiver position is now up in the air (again) with Marlon Moore, Julius Pruitt and Roberto Wallace battling for that job. Moore has to be the favorite right now with Wallace (6-4 and 225 pounds) looking like he can make a push.
One of those guys will likely be on the practice squad.
Yes, that still leaves the No. 5 job open. Do not dismiss the possibility Miami searches waiver wires and other practice squads for that player. In that case, Miami's No. 5 wide receiver may not be on the roster right now.
[Updated: The Dolphins get cornerback Benny Sapp from the Vikings in return. Sapp, a Fort Lauderdale native, is in his seventh NFL season. He started seven games for Minnesota last year. The move suggests Will Allen may not be ready for the start of the season. Allen, out the entire preseason following knee surgery, is now not a lock to be on the roster all of 2010.
The breakdown on Sapp from the good folks at "He's an aggressive, quick corner that plays the run pretty well but does struggle in coverage at times. Last season he was thrown at 57 times and allowed 40 completions, for a 10.7 average. He gave up 2 TDs and got his hands to 6 passes. Opposing QBs had a 103.5 QB rating when throwing at Sapp in '09.
Sapp's a capable nickel corner that plays inside, and will allow completions, but he tends to keep everything in front of him and will be active against the run.]
Camarillo was informed of the trade this morning. He obviously was not at practice today.
So, this is where we are:
Patrick Turner is looking like he is going to make the Dolphins.
He has been on the cusp of a roster spot as the team's No. 5 wide receiver. With Camarillo, previously considered a roster likelihood now gone, Turner moves up one notch. Turner was today taking second-team snaps with Davone Bess. (Brandon Marshall and Brian Hartline were taking first-team snaps in the base offense.)
And the fifth wide receiver position is now up in the air (again) with Marlon Moore, Julius Pruitt and Roberto Wallace battling for that job. Moore has to be the favorite right now with Wallace (6-4 and 225 pounds) looking like he can make a push.
One of those guys will likely be on the practice squad.
Yes, that still leaves the No. 5 job open. Do not dismiss the possibility Miami searches waiver wires and other practice squads for that player. In that case, Miami's No. 5 wide receiver may not be on the roster right now.
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